A beautiful mansion in Minecraft PE — this beautiful house, solid fencing, gardens and fountain. It can be simple, and dancing on the example of the fountains built in the big cities. Build a fountain is not hard — if you follow all the recommendations.
How does the design of a simple fountain? On a free site do figure in the form of a polyhedron. The size of which is 8 blocks wide and 8 blocks long.
Next, you need to take a shovel and dig a recess to be no more than one unit.
In the center, the formed hole, build a staircase of solid blocks.
Then, at the top of the stairs is set to one unit block. Repeat the procedure of the structure, and put two more ladders. After, top design set two more plates.
Now you need to run the fountain into operation. This can be done by applying the block-plate. You need to pour water on any of them.
As a result, a simple fountain ready.
In order to make the backlight device in each of the corners of the fountain installed activators. To connect them you need red dust. Don't forget to adjust the delay time on the chain of activators by about 200 milliseconds. For each activator installed on the lamp. Only in this way, they will be lighting the fountain, switching to the specified mode.