Mod Ore+ adds in the world
Minecraft PE four new types of ore. All ore will be generated randomly in dungeons: mines, caves, similar to how they are generated all the remaining ore in the world MCPE. Found and processed ore can be used for making various things and decorative blocks.
Updated: modification compatible with 1.12, 1.11.x versions Because this is the first release modifications Ore+ since it includes a basic ore, and at this stage not the limit yet introduced. In the future you will see more crafting recipes which will apply new types of ores.
Copper ore
The copper ore generated in those places, and coal. The only difference is that the generation of copper ore and needle is that copper ore is not generated in such large veins compared with coal ore.
While the copper ore used to create the mystic potion Mysteric?. About this potion you can read further on this page.
Copper ore (id - 200) Copper ingot (id - 600) Copper block (id - 210) The smelted copper (id - 511) Zinc ore
Zinc ore is generated as well as iron ore. At the moment the zinc is useless material in Minecraft Pocket Edition because the use of zinc in recipes for crafting items not being used. With zinc you can make a zinc block, which You can use for decorative purposes.
Zinc ore (id - 202)
Zinc nugget (id 602)
Zinc block (id - 212) Salt ore
This ore is generated the same way as coal ore. Salt can be used for cooking, such as soup (further below you will find more information about the preparation of salt soup).
Salt ore (id - 204)
The salt (id 604)
A salt block (id - 213) Titanium ore
This is the same rare as diamonds. Titanium can be used for making bulletproof glass is much stronger compared to ordinary glass. Titanium is also used to create potion "mystique? (below you will find information about it)".
Titanium ore (201)
Titanium (id - 601)
Titanium block (id - 211)
Melted titanium (id - 512) Other things
Ore, ingots, and other items can be used to create some different items.
Potion "Mystery" — increases jump height II, Regeneration II
Potion "Mystery" (id - 513) The salt in the soup — it is very useful. This soup adds a lot of health.
The salt in the soup (id - 510) Bulletproof glass is much stronger than ordinary glass.
Bulletproof glass (id - 214) How to install Ore+
Addons for BlockLauncher Pro - these mods are more progressive scripts that have ".Zip", ".JS" and ".Modpkg" extension. It also has full integration with all the functionality up to Minecraft PE 1.12.2 version (Temporarily). Mainly used Java features for iOS and Android.
To get started, you will need BlockLauncher, which is an application for Android or iOS. Please note that the application version may have functionality for an incompatible Java version inside the game. For each version of the game, a separate BlockLauncher application was developed.
- Download and install BlockLauncher Pro apk, then use FX File Explorer, ES File Explorer or other file managers to find the apk file in the Downloads folder.
- After installation, use Blocklauncher Pro to launch the game.
- After starting the game, you should see the wrench icon at the top of the screen. It also serves as a guideline that you did everything right.
- Click on "Startup Options".
- Next, scroll down the list and click on "Manage Scripts".
- In this menu, you can manage the installed scripts and import them. Here you can also specify the path to the downloaded script.
- It is worth noting that some modifications have both script and texture packs. You will need to import this separately. In newer versions, BlockLauncher has a feature to recognize a folder with texture packs and a folder with scripts inside a zip archive, which slightly simplifies the import process.
- This has some pros but also cons because mods work for all single and multiplayer (which work on the client side) game worlds automatically. You can activate or deactivate this in the scripts settings menu.
- Launch one of the game worlds and check if everything is working correctly. It is also worth noting that this has an extremely low chance of conflict with other scripts, the exception is the same names of items or mobs.
- Done! Enjoy the new gameplay.