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Reversal Dropper Parkour Map For Minecraft PE 1.20.15, 1.19.83


Dropper Reversal — this Minecraft PE map is very similar to the previous release maps — Mega Dropper, but still there are differences. On the map you will not fall to the bottom, and up it says the prefix "Reversal".

MapReversal Dropper completely destroyed the "myths" of physics because you are already falling not down but up. Of course the physics breaks mod that comes with the map. The essence of the map, this is during free fall, evade obstacles and reach the end of the level.

How to play?
The map has 10 different levels, the passage of which no procedure provided. You can pass these levels in a random order. Click on the button of the level you need — and you will be moved there.

After you have moved — will begin a countdown from 3. Then you will move up. Use in this case the controllers to avoid collisions with obstacles. Recommend settings to enable the third person view, and field of view at max.

Some levels of the map is much more complicated compared to the other. If you want to pass the levels with increasing difficulty, then start to pass the levels from left to right!

Installing the map Reversal Dropper:
  • Download the map.
  • Remove the map from the archive.
  • Script ReversalDropper 1.0.js import it into BlockLauncher.
  • Move the map by path: "/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds".
  • Go in Minecraft PE → Play → Select map.
  • Enjoy the game!

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    25 May 2016
    Views: 6449 | Tags: Puzzle Maps MCPE, Parkour Maps MCPE

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    MinecraftPE Team


    I am a professional from Minecraft PE Team that creates and publishes the best content for Minecraft players. We have been studying custom gameplay, modding features, as well as popular game themes for a long time. You can be sure that our materials are designed for the player to spend more time in the game world than usual. Additionally, our modifications will allow you to turn your game into absolutely any other theme. I'm also a pretty good player, so I'll try to answer any of the questions in the comments.

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