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New Spawn Eggs in Minecraft PE 1.2


New Spawn Eggs in Minecraft PE 1.2
Now in MCPE 1.2 we get a more extended list of available spawn eggs. This will allow you to create a beautiful new maps where will be used more varieties mobs.

Previously we have not been able to spawn the zombie-villager, parrots and other mobs. Now these mobs will be to perform certain tasks on your maps as a whole or in certain areas.

At the moment, there are 38 eggs, but after adding new monsters and animals, this list will grow. Thus it is possible to create interesting adventures.

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MinecraftPE Team


I am a professional from Minecraft PE Team that creates and publishes the best content for Minecraft players. We have been studying custom gameplay, modding features, as well as popular game themes for a long time. You can be sure that our materials are designed for the player to spend more time in the game world than usual. Additionally, our modifications will allow you to turn your game into absolutely any other theme. I'm also a pretty good player, so I'll try to answer any of the questions in the comments.

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