"Dragon Ball" is one of the most popular anime cartoons of the 90-ies. Having this skin, you will be able to try the look of one of the characters of this cult animated series. This is not just another ordinary character, is the greatest warrior of all times and peoples, who through perseverance and courage could achieve, at first glance, impossible heights and gained a previously unseen force. During the various battles in the world of MCPE, this skin will give you more confidence and lead you to victory.
I am a professional from Minecraft PE Team that creates and publishes the best content for Minecraft players. We have been studying custom gameplay, modding features, as well as popular game themes for a long time. You can be sure that our materials are designed for the player to spend more time in the game world than usual. Additionally, our modifications will allow you to turn your game into absolutely any other theme. I'm also a pretty good player, so I'll try to answer any of the questions in the comments.